English 1200 A18
REpresentative Literary Works
From William Blake's "The Marriage of Heaven and Hell," Copy D.
Welcome to the web page for English 1200 A18. This page will serve as a supplement to the course outline that was handed out at the beginning of class. If you have lost your course outline, you can find a copy of it here.
News and announcements
Please check this space for updates to our class reading schedule and announcements about events, assignments and resources for further study.
Final EXam: Will be on April 12 from 9:00 to 12:00, Location TBA.
Resources and links
U of M Academic Learning Centre
This is a great general resource for studying and writing papers. See the handouts section for much useful advice on writing, researching and exam preparation. Also learn about the writing tutor program.
Purdue Online Writing Lab.
This website is an invaluable companion for writers of research essays. Check out their sections on "The Writing Process" and "Academic Writing" as well as their clear explanations of how to avoid common grammar mistakes. The OWL also has excellent advice on how to format your essay in MLA style.
University of Toronto Writing Advice
This is a great addition to the Purdue OWL mentioned above, giving particular attention to the research process, avoiding plagiarism, and fixing grammatical errors.
University of Ottawa Student Academic Success Service
This site contains many useful brief handouts that cover different areas of the writing process, from MLA Style guidelines to structuring your essay and understanding sentence grammar.
This website contains many excellent poems, contemporary and historical, plus good biographies of poets. Several of our readings in the class are from this website.
With daily poem updates, plus classic poems from the past, this website is a great way to explore the possibilities of poetry.
centre for creative writing and oral culture
This U of M research centre has resources for creative writers, such as a workshop and a writer-in-residence (this year's resident writer is novelist Tristan Hughes).
Reading Schedule for Term 2
Modernism, continued
8 Katherine Mansfield, “The Garden Party” (Broadview).
10 James Joyce, “Araby” (Broadview).
15 Elizabeth Bishop, “In the Waiting Room” (available online here) and “Filling Station”
(available online here).
17 Flannery O’Connor, “A Good Man is Hard to Find” (Broadview). Presentation: Claire.
22 Duncan Mercredi reading. Class meets at Rm 108 St. John’s College.
Section III: Postmodern and Contemporary Literature
24 bp nichol, selected poems and drawings (handouts).
29 Sharon Pollock, Blood Relations (Broadview). Presentation: Michael.
31 Blood Relations, continued.
5 Blood Relations, continued.
7 Marilyn Dumont, “The White Judges” and “Not Just a Platform for My Dance”
(Broadview); Katherena Vermette, “When Louis Riel Went Crazy” (at Taddle Creek magazine
here. Presentation: Thora
12 Eden Robinson, “Terminal Avenue” (Broadview). Presentation: Mariah.
14 Thomas King, “A Short History of Indians in Canada” (Broadview), Amanda Strong, “Four
Faces of the Moon” (short film, available here) . Out-of-class Essay #2 due.
26 Cherie Dimaline, The Marrow Thieves. Presentation: Devon.
28 The Marrow Thieves, continued. Presentation: Victoria.
5 The Marrow Thieves, continued. Presentation: Pamela.
7 Alice Munro, “Friend of my Youth” (Broadview). Presentation: Apoorv.
12 NoViolet Bulawayo, We Need New Names. Presentation: Elisabeth.
14 We Need New Names, continued. Presentation: Manjot.
19 We Need New Names, continued. Presentation: Molly.
21 Raymond Carver, “Cathedral” (Broadview). Presentation: Evelyn.
26 Mark Haddon, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time. Presentation: McKenna.
28 Curious Incident, continued. Presentation: Adia.
2 Curious Incident, continued. Presentation: Anna.
4 Review and exam preparation. Out-of-class Essay #3 due.
9 Conclusion.
Reading Schedule for Term 1
6 Introduction
Section I: Romanticism and the Gothic
11 Thomas Gray, “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard” (Broadview). Presentation: Evelyn.
13 Samuel Taylor Coleridge, “Kubla Khan” and “Frost at Midnight” (Broadview).
18 Tristan Hughes reading. Class meets at the Great Hall, University College.
20 Mary Shelley, Frankenstein. Presentation: Claire.
25 Frankenstein, continued. Presentation: Michael.
27 Frankenstein, continued. Presentation: Manjot.
2 Frankenstein, continued. Presentation: Victoria.
4 William Blake, “The Marriage of Heaven & Hell,” online facsimile edition of copy D at
Wikimedia.org. A text-only version of the poem (easier to read) is available at
Wikisource.org. Presentation: Lyle.
9 William Wordsworth, “Lines Composed a Few Miles AboveTintern Abbey”
(Broadview). Presentation: Pamela.
11 John Keats, “Ode on a Grecian Urn”; “Ode to a Nightingale” (Broadview). Presentation:
16 Christina Rosetti, “Goblin Market” (Broadview).
18 “Goblin Market,” continued.
23 Charlotte Perkins Gilman, “The Yellow Wallpaper” (Broadview). Presentation: Mariah.
25 In-class essay.
30 Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray.
1 Dorian Gray, continued. Presentation: Carol-Ann.
6 Dorian Gray, continued. Presentation: Devon.
Section II: Modernism: the Shock of the New
8 F. T. Marinetti “The Founding and Manifesto of Futurism.” Online at societyforasianart.org.
Presentation: Anna.
13 No Class.
15 No Class.
20 W. B. Yeats, “The Second Coming” (Broadview). Guillaume Apollinaire, “Du
Coton dans les Orielles” (handout— also available online here). Presentation: Molly.
22 Virginia Woolf, Mrs. Dalloway. Presentation: Adia.
27 Mrs. Dalloway, continued. Presentation: Thora.
29 Mrs. Dalloway, continued. Presentation: Elisabeth.
4 Mrs. Dalloway, continued. Presentation: Apoorv.
6 Ezra Pound, “In a Station of the Metro”; William Carlos Williams, “The Red
Wheelbarrow” and “This is Just to Say” (all Broadview). Presentation: Robert. Out-of-
class Essay #1 due.